Planned Future

Employee Financial Wellness​

Most organisations whether Public or Private Sector, understand the importance of helping their staff to improve their overall financial wellness as they progress through their career. Equally important is helping employers to prepare for the changes which arise on retirement from the organisation or redundancy. This is why many employers across the UK look towards Planned Future for their workplace financial wellbeing and financial wellness support. 

What is Financial Wellness?

Financial Wellbeing is feeling comfortable, secure and at ease with your finances. Its being able to understand and manage your finances not only in your day to day life, but for the future. 

Why Support Employees Financial Wellness?

There is a mutual interest in helping employees financial wellness. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in a 2017 report discussed how increasing an employees financial wellness can increase work morale, performance and increase trust between employee and employer. Its important to remember that with auto enrolment, many people will find the majority of their retirement income coming from their occupational pension. Something provided by their employer. 

two stools facing two windows with two stacks of text books

How To Support Employees Financial Wellness

There is a range of way for employers to help their staff with financial wellness. From providing interactive workshops, access to financial advice and providing someone to turn to in difficult situations. 

Financial Wellness Workshops

Financial wellness workshops are a great way to provide financial education. They help employees plan for the future while allowing them to ask questions on a range of topics. When arranging an event its best practice to match different demographics to specific events. For example, an employee approaching retirement will have different needs to someone just staring their career. 

General Financial Wellbeing

A introductory event to provide a basic insight into the financial world. Best suited for employers looking to help employees but have a limited budget. 


A Mid-Career financial wellness event helps those employees planning the next phase of their life. Topics such as family protection and mortgages will be more of a priority. 


Best suited for employees who are considering retiring in the next 5 years. The event will cover their occupational pension, Investments, State Pension and more. 

Early Career

Early career financial wellness events helps employees who have just started their career. At such an important time, the decisions they make now can make a huge impact on their financial future. 

Redundancy Courses

Redundancy is a difficult one for many. Our redundancy events help your employees plan financially for the future. Whether early retirement or continuing their career.  

Bespoke Events

By using our financial wellness questionnaire, we can produce a workshop or webinar based around your employees. 

Lifetime & Annual Allowance

Targeted to business owner and director level. This helps to plan financially for the lifetime and annual allowance implications. 

Investments & Pensions

Covering a range of Investment and Pension guidance to help your employees plan for their long term goals. 

Family Protection

Unfortunately life does have its hiccups. Because of this its important to have the right protection in place to cover any financial difficulties. 

Financial Wellness Program

Financial wellness programmes allow you to offer a measurable way to increase employees financial wellness. Programs range from 6 month+ offering a range of different tools and events. Regular feedback is provided including information on staff engagement and comments. 

Workshops & Webinars

Financial workshops and webinars are a great way to help educate employees. During a financial wellness program, a range of different events will be offered. This helping to support all demographics across the business and those facing unique and different financial issues. 

Online Support

Online financial support is a go to place in between events. Employees need to have some where to turn when they have questions. Whether by reading a guide, using a calculator or speaking with a financial adviser. 

Financial Clinics

During a financial wellness program a range of clinics will be prepared. These individual consultations allow employees to speak with a qualified and Independent Financial Adviser on a one to one basis. Allowing them to help plan for their financial future and answer any questions they may have. 

Financial Wellness at Work

You can find out more about financial wellness at work with Planned Future by completing the form or contacting us on the below numbers.