Planned Future

Employee Financial Wellbeing Programmes

Our employee financial wellbeing programmes are here to support your employees with everything financial.

Our three packages have been designed to help support and educate your employees on the financial topics they request. Regular feedback and a financial wellbeing score will be provided to measure the effectiveness of each programme.

Qualified Financial Planners

All of our Financial Advisers are fully qualified Advisers and active members of the Chartered Institute of Insurance (CII). The Financial Adviser is employed by a firm of Chartered Financial Planners and will have the relevant resources and support to provide your employees with financial wellbeing advice.

Online programme

Planned Future are able to support your employees with a range of online financial wellbeing programmes. The online programmes come with a range of webinars, financial guides, calculators and more.

Onsite Programme

Onsite financial wellbeing programmes allow our speakers to attend your place of work. Financial clinics, seminars and workshops can be held in your choice of location along with additional online resources in between events.

Regular Feedback

Our team will provide you with feedback following every event and at key stages throughout your programme allowing you to measure the success.

Financial Wellbeing Score

Our team will provide your organisation with a financial wellbeing score prior to the programme commencing. At the end of the programme, we will measure the effectiveness and provide you with a new score following our online survey. 

On-Going Support

Our programmes are implemented over a 12 or 24 month period allowing us to cover as much topics and issues your employees are facing. If you are looking for something a bit shorter, you can view our financial education workshops.

The Process

1. Learn

A member of our team will meet with you in person, online or discuss over the phone to learn more about your organisation and how we can support your employees.

2. Survey

We will design an online survey to help understand your employees and the topics we need to cover.​

3. Advanced Tools

Based on the survey results, our team, in partnership with a firm of chartered financial advisers will produce your bespoke programme. You will receive a recommended programme along with the survey results.

4. Marketing

Our marketing team will provide literature to help get the word out. We can produce flyers, email templates, desk drops, microsites and more.

5. Implement

The date has arrived. An independent financial adviser who is employed by a firm of chartered financial planners will carry out your first workshop whether by webinar or on site. Following the workshops, attendees will receive a financial pack and a feedback form to help us measure the success.

6. Review

We will review the feedback from the seminar and provide an update to you or your team with an action plan to move forward with.

Financial Wellbeing Survey

Our survey allows you to focus in on which topics will benefit your employees the most. The survey includes a range of topics and question to help us understand your organisation and how we can improve the employees financial situation. Following the survey, a full report will be sent to you along with a recommendation. 

Financial Wellbeing Platform

Providing workshops and programmes are great for employees, but how do you support them during the time in between? Planned Future have developed a portal that gives your employees access to financial guides that are updated monthly, access to ask any questions they wish to a qualified financial planner and information and links to useful resources. 

Webinars and Workshops

At Planned Future, we believe it is important for employees to have access to financial guidance. Our team are able to provide your employees with access to financial guidance from a team of highly qualified financial advisers. Financial guidance can be offered either online using our online portal or scheduled video calls. Alternatively, financial clinics can be provided through face to face appointments at your organisation. 

speaker at a financial wellbeing event

Get Started

Do you have some questions or would like to learn more? Simply fill our the form on the right or feel free to contact us on ether of the below numbers.