Planned Future

Menopause Awareness in the Workplace

Planned Future aim to increase menopause awareness in the workplace. Data from a Fawcett Society study for Channel 4’s ‘Davina McCall: Sex, Mind and the Menopause‘ found:

Menopause Awareness Webinars and Seminars

Our menopause awareness sessions are hosted by experienced Menopause Coach Liz Rowlands. Liz is a Licenced Menopause Champion for the Menopause Expert Group and affiliate member of the British Menopause Society.

For Employees

Menopause awareness for employees looks at what menopause is, why it happens and how self care can be implemented – both at home and in the workplace.

For Managers

Menopause awareness for Managers explains how business leaders can support their teams and develop an inclusive workplace with reasonable adjustments.

Menopause Awareness in the Workplace

Nearly two-thirds of women experiencing menopausal symptoms said it had a negative impact on their work, and 50% considered leaving their jobs because of it.

90 minutes – online or on site 

Menopause Awareness

Complete the form to learn some more about our Menopause Awareness Seminars and Webinars

Menopause Awareness

120 minutes – online or on site 

Menopause Awareness for Managers

Complete the form to learn some more about our Menopause Awareness for Managers Seminars and Webinars

Mental Wellbeing Events

Planned Future provide a wide range on Mental Wellbeing webinars and seminars. Find out more about any of our workshops by completing the form below.