Planned Future

Neurodiversity Awareness in the Workplace

By implementing thoughtful strategies and accommodations, organisations can improve neurodiversity awareness at work create and a supportive and inclusive workplace environment.

Event Topics

Define neurodiversity and what it means to be neurodiverse

Identify common types of neurodiversity and the skills, abilities and needs of these

Discuss the benefits of neurodiversity within the workplace

Outline the most effective ways to support neurodivergent employees

Plan how to implement changes and support neurodivergent individuals within your workplace

The Presenters

Our Neurodiversity in the Workplace events is hosted by Planned Future Presenter Emma, who completed her studies in psychology at Loughborough University., 


This event can be presented online using your preferred webinar platform or onsite at your business. 


This event lasts 40 minutes and includes time for questions. 

Learning outcomes

Attendees will learn to recognise common types of neurodiversity, understand the skills and needs of neurodiverse employees, and discover effective strategies for supporting them in the workplace. Participants are encouraged to adopt the useful strategies discussed in this session to improve inclusivity and drive innovation within their organisations.


Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Attendees will explore ‘Neurodiversity in the Workplace’ gaining insights into its significance and benefits in today’s workplaces. They’ll learn to recognise common types of neurodiversity, understand the skills and needs of neurodiverse employees, and discover effective strategies for supporting them in the workplace. 

Embracing Neurodiversity for a Healthier, Happier and More Productive Workforce

This blog looks to explore how neurodiversity interacts with mental wellbeing highlighting the challenges faced by neurodiverse individuals and discussing how employers can support their employees to promote positive wellbeing. 

Mental Wellbeing Events

Planned Future provide a wide range on Mental Wellbeing webinars and seminars. Find out more about any of our workshops by completing the form below.