Planned Future

Financial Guidance for employees

Our financial guidance clinics allow for your employees to to speak with a qualified financial adviser on a one to one basis ether in person at your organisation or through a video call.

Improving Financial Wellbeing

Our financial wellbeing clinics allow employees to speak with a qualified financial adviser on a one to one basis. They can discuss concerns, plans and learn about financial issues that may affect them. 

Financial Clinics

How does it work?

We use a three stage approach to arrange a financial clinic at your place of work. 


Allocate Slots

15-60 minute slots will be available for the arranged time period


Get the Word Out

We will supply you with marketing literature and a booking platform



Employees will be invited to attend and book a slot with our adviser

Learn All About Our Speakers

Meet The Advisers


Financial Planner


Chartered Financial Planner


Chartered Financial Planner

The topics

What we can discuss

Our financial guidance sessions can follow a certain structure and topics discussed around any ongoing situations at your organisation or left completely open. A few topics that can be covered by one of our financial adviser include:


Lifetime Allowance



Would like to learn more?

Do you have some questions or would like to learn more? Simply fill our the form on the right or feel free to contact us on ether of the below numbers.

Head Office

0344 9672567