Planned Future

New Financial Wellbeing Webinars

Supporting Employees' Financial Wellbeing Online

With the ongoing situation with Coronavirus dominating the news and our personal lives we are all coming to terms with a new way of life. Employees are now working differently, many away from the office and with less contact with others. While there are many benefits for this type of work, there are of course some negatives.

Employee benefits programmes, especially those that are office based, can be difficult to implement during these times. Financial wellbeing is a topic that can be difficult to promote online. Amongst health concerns and economic uncertainty, Financial Wellbeing is a topic that is arguably needed by employees now more than ever. 

To help support your employees’ financial wellbeing through these difficult times we have produced three new financial wellbeing webinars. Each webinar is an hour long offering advice to employees about their personal finances and can be provided through a range of means, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and other video call platforms.  

Foundation Webinar

Length: 1 Hour

Investments & Pensions Webinar

Length: 1 Hour

Protection Webinar

Length: 1 Hour

Next Steps

Financial wellbeing can be even more important in these times. Although employees at your business may be safe and supported. Their relatives and family might be having some difficulty. 

To find out more about Planned Futures financial wellbeing webinars, simply contact us using the below form. 

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2024 Employee Wellbeing Strategy Guide

What should a Wellbeing Strategy include?

  • Up-to-date education
  • On-demand advice
  • Measurable data
  • Employee feedback opportunities
  • Plus much more

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