Planned Future

The Benefits of Pre Retirement Courses

Making Retirement Simple with Pre Retirement Courses As employers take note of financial wellbeing as a whole, it’s only natural to see an increase in pre retirement courses offered to employees as they draw closer to the end of their working careers.  These events are now seen by many companies as a key employee benefit, […]

What is Financial Wellbeing?

Understanding Financial Wellbeing Defining Financial Wellbeing Financial Wellbeing is feeling comfortable, secure and at ease with your finances. Its being able to understand and manage your finances not only in your day to day life, but for the future.  How a persons financial wellbeing can change Its is important to remember that a person’s financial […]

The Two Pillars of Financial Wellbeing

Understanding the Foundations of Financial Wellbeing As good employers, most managers understand employee financial wellbeing is paramount in improving productivity, performance, staff retention and loyalty. Furthermore, when we consider that 39% of adults (20.3 million) don’t feel confident managing their money*. It’s easy to see how these financial worries can follow an employee into work. […]

5 ways to help improve your employees’ financial wellbeing

How to support your employees with Financial Wellbeing As financial wellbeing becomes a ‘must have’ employee benefit, more HR professionals are seeking ways to support their employees in this area. Improving your employees’ financial wellness isn’t a quick fix, it is an aspiration, something to aim and work towards. Because of this it is important […]

Financial Wellbeing Strategy

How to Implement a Financial Wellbeing Strategy in the workplace? Financial wellbeing has progressed a long way in recent years. More organisations than ever are starting to take note of this issue and the importance of supporting their employees by improving their financial wellbeing. Looking back to a CIPD study from April 2019, they found […]

Financial Wellbeing Portal

Financial Wellbeing Online Portal Here at Planned Future, we have been helping organisations to support their employees by improving their financial wellbeing for years. The feedback we receive has always been at the heart of what we do and we believe this has helped us to achieve some of the highest scored reviews in the […]

Recent Feedback

We ask for feedback from every workshop we run to ensure they are engaging and relevant. This has helped us achieve a rate of 99.75% of people who have attended one of our financial wellbeing workshops this year saying they would recommend it to a friend or colleague! You can also take a look at […]

The benefits of implementing a financial wellbeing programme

The Benefits of implementing a financial wellbeing programme The movement on mental health and wellness awareness is becoming more and more prevalent in our society today, and the emphasis is shifting towards financial wellbeing in the workplace. Employers are starting to take note but as many ask, what are the benefits and why should their […]

The Autumn Budget 2018

Philip Hammond, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, delivered his third Budget to Parliament on 29 October 2018 and what should be the last one before Brexit in March next year. What should you take away from this year’s Chancellor’s Autumn Budget 2018? Mr Hammond opened the Budget by declaring it was aimed at hard-working families, […]

We are expanding!

Recently Planned Future has gone through a phase of expansion and can now proudly announce the opening of our new office in central London. The new address in Pall Mall will help us serve our ever-growing client base in the south east of England and support our mission to help organisations educate their staff with […]